Classical music: Chamber music, Cello music, Cello ensemble

Enigma encore

ID: SM-000345989
CompositorLennart Jarde
EditoraLennart Jarde
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
chave Fá (F) maior
Instrumentação Piano, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo
Composição paraQuarteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 3'0"
descripção Enigma Encore
Enigma Encore was composed for Copenhagen Piano Quartet as an "encore" piece in 2015. It is based on a theme by Danish composer Hans Christian Lumbye (1810 to 1874). The main theme is from the last "Finale" in a ballet, "Livjaegerne fra Amager".
The general idea is modern, but easy-going music, with variation, wit and some surprise elements. Enigma in title refers to the gradual disclosure of the theme, and to the fact that it is never presented in it's original form. Time was limited to around 3 minutes, and it was composed in less than two weeks.
data de postagem 10.01.2019


Sheet music file
6.00 USD
PDF, 1.33 Mb (15 p.)


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